

Here are my answer in my own random questions!

1. When was the last time you kissed someone? Who was it? My 5 months old baby after taking a bath;)
2. Last time you went to the movies? What movie? Iron Man last weekend!
2. Do you turn off your cellphone/s when you’re in a movie house? Turn off or sometimes in silent mode!
3. Do you cursed? Sometimes.
4. Do you often have nightmares? Not this days..
5. Who’s your crush? :) Johnny Depp! hehe
6. Do you drive? When’s your license expires? Yup, I do! This December 2008;-)
7. Are you afraid of dying? Why and Why not? I'm afraid of dying unprepared!
8. Do you like to party? Why or Why not? Nope these days. I like to bond more with my family and siblings..
9. Last time you said “I love you’? To whom? Hubby. Last night before going to bed.
10. Last time you exercised? Gym or house? This morning. House;-)



Bunny B said...

Iron Man was awesome, right?! :)