
Only One Word.

You. Can. Only. Type. One. Word.

No. Explanations.

This is not as easy as it looks.

1. Yourself?
- happy
2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend?
- hubby
3. Your hair?
- beautiful
4. Your mother?
- sweetest
5. Your Father?
- responsible
6. Your Favorite Item:
- pc
7. Your dream last night:
- nothing
8. Your Favorite drink:
- water
9. Your Dream Car?
- Jaguar
10. The room you are in:
- bedroom
11. Your Ex:
- tall
12. Your fear:
- ocean
13. What you want to be in 10 years:
- happiness
14. What You’re NOT?
- witch..lol
15. Muffins:
- chocolate
16: One of Your Wish List Items:
18: Time:
- ninepm
19. The Last Thing You Did:
- laugh
20. What You Are Wearing:
- dress
21. Your Favorite Weather:
- sunny
22. Your Favorite Book:
- TheOtherSideofMidnight
23. The last thing you ate:
- icecream
24. Your Life:
- blessed
25. Your Mood:
- sleepy
26. Your friends
- good
27. What are you thinking about right
- blogging
28. Your cellphone:
- razor
29. What are you doing at the moment?
- typing
30. Your summer:
- rainy
31. Your relationship status:
- married
32. What is on your tv?
- cartoons
33. What is the weather like?
- rainy
34. When is the last time you laughed?
- now
35. What do you do when you can’t
- read

I'm tagging everyone in my Blogroll! Enjoy!



jennyr said...

this looks like fun...i'll try this!