
Online Chat

Chatting online can never be boring. Well, I’m a stay at home Mom and staying in the house with nothing to do would just make it more boring,right? So, it’s always nice to make friends online. And chat rooms is a good way to find friends too:) The more chats, the more fun! :) I have meet a lot of different people from different races back in the days when I stayed much time in a travel forum! I have to admit though that I don’t have a lot of friends in real life that’s why chat rooms really come in handy for people like me;) !

Anyway, I have a real life friend that she met her partner online. They constantly chat, call the phone. And then they arranged a date to meet in the Philippines! It was a special day for my friend. She had a good work but she fell in love with his hubby now and then they promised to love and vow to each other. Right now, they have 3 kids and living in Paris for good! She found her special someone online and it's just something! There are a lot of people who found their special someone online and I don’t think there is something wrong with that! Follow your gut and intuition. So, if you feel board and wants to meet someone online! Who knows you can meet people who’s destined to love you forever! :) It’s free too!