
Movies and Such..

I saw the other 5 Harry Potter movies and then we got to watched Harry Potter the last sequel 2 weeks ago! I say it was awesome! They have grown up so fast and then Hermione looks beautiful in there! I hated Dolores Umbridge in there as well! lol I'd say one of the great movie this summer! Another movie that I have been waiting to watch is this Ratatouille Movie! A story about a rat who wants to a famous chef in Paris town! :) I've seen the thriller and wants to see it in the big screen with my little boy! It will be shown here in Japan this Saturday. I thought it was yesterday! My bad:)

Other thing is that I finally cave in and decided that I wanted to watched HEREOS! OMG! Why did I never see that before? lol It's a great tv series too! I just finished watching the Season 1 and patiently waiting for the Season 2 in September! Ask who makes the story fun? It's definitely Hiro-san! haha :)

Have a great day!