
Friday Fun

1. Places you would like to visit and why.
+ Paris-well, everyone should go there!
+ Venice-romantic place to be!
+Egypt-I'd like to visit the land of the Pharaohs!
+Anywhere in Europe is a must visit!

2. Favorite things to munch on!
+ Peanuts sometimes and chips.

3. Favorite sites for online shopping.
+ Oh..too many..LOL

4. Things you have to get done this weekend.
+ A lot. Clean the house, online work, get ready the things of my little boy for school. Take photos, blog, fold the clothes..etc..etc..:D

5. Things that pop up when you Google your name.
+ Some photo sites, my digital scraps and my main blog. :)

Happy Weekend!~


Gretchen said...

Been to Paris and want to go back and share it with my kids and hubby. It is a place everyone should see at least once. :)